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We invite you to join our mission to love people back to life by healing hearts one community at a time.


Here are several ways you can participate, serve and support Real Anointed Word.

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free. Ephesians 6:7-8



Volunteers play a vital role in the mission of R.AW. Movement. By volunteering, you can make a difference in the lives of people we touch. Whether you are able to serve only once at an event or several times, we appreciate your support.  For more information about how or where you can volunteer, contact us.



Another way to get involved would be donations to Real Anointed Word.  We can always use financial support of the ministry. R.A.W. almost solely relies on fundraising and private donations to operate.  We accept financial donations either electronically through PayPal or by mail if you prefer to send a check to our address below. Please make your check payable to Real Anointed Word Movement, LLC.


If you can’t make a financial donation at this time, SOW YOUR TIME. R.A.W. is not registered as a charitable organization, so no charitable tax receipt can be issued for any donation.

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